Playing Both Sides: Russian State-Backed Media Coverage of the BlackLivesMatter Movement

By: Samantha Bradshaw, Renée DiResta, and Carly Miller

Russian influence operations on social media have received significant attention following the 2016 US presidential elections. Here, scholarship has largely focused on the covert strategies of the Russia-based Internet Research Agency and the overt strategies of Russia's largest international broadcaster RT (Russia Today). But since 2017, a number of new news media providers linked to the Russian state have emerged, and less research has focused on these channels and how they may support contemporary influence operations. We conduct a qualitative content analysis of 2,014 Facebook posts about the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) protests in the United States over the summer of 2020 to comparatively examine the overt propaganda strategies of six Russian-linked news organizations—RT, Ruptly, Soapbox, In The NOW, Sputnik, and Redfish.

Published by: International Journal of Press/Politics, 2022.


Look Who’s Watching: Platform Labels and User Engagement on State-backed Media.


The Gender Dimensions of Foreign Influence Operations