Public Speaking & University Lectures
Select Public Lectures and Invited Talks
“Disinformation & Media Literacy” OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting, 27-28 May, Vienna, Austria.
“All Tech is Human: AI and Elections around the World".” All Tech is Human. September 2023, New York.
“New Frontiers in Peacebuilding: The Role of Social Media.” Stockholm Form on Peace and Development, May 4 2021, Stockholm, Sweden.
“The Digital Authoritarian’s Toolbox.” Atlantic Council’s Digital Sherlocks. June 19-21, London, United Kingdom.
“Beyond Bots: Anticipating Challenges from Future Tech and Disinformation.” RightsCon June 11- 14, Tunis, Tunisia.
“Democracy in the Digital Era.” IX Annual Latin American Democracy Forum, INE, April 1-4, Mexico City, Mexico.
“Dublin Data Summit Dinner Keynote: Social Media and Digital Disinformation: Challenges to Internet Freedom and Democracy.” September 19, Dublin, Ireland.
“New threats to Journalism: Artificial Intelligence, Trolls, and Bots.” Reporters without Borders Parallel Session for World Press Freedom Day. UNESCO. May 2-3, Accra, Ghana.
“Responding to Disinformation in Elections.” World Movement for Democracy. May 6-10 Dakar, Senegal.
DisinfoWeek Athens - Atlantic Council
Canadian Embassy to Switzerland and Lichtenstein.
Select Government & Policy Work
Witness to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Order 108(3)(h). October 22, 2024, Ottawa, Canada.
“Russian and Chinese Foreign Authoritarian Influence" in Africa” G7 RRM Focal Point Conference, December 3-4, Ottawa, Canada.
“Spread and Prevention of Coordinated Misinformation Campaigns.” Office of the Embassy of Canada. 9 March, Vilnius, Lithuania.
“Democracy and Disinformation: An Expert Panel.” Canadian Embassy to Switzerland and Lichtenstein, 12 September, Bern Switzerland.
“G7 Rapid Response Mechanism – Charlevoix Commitment on Defending Democracy from Foreign Threats.” Global Affairs Canada. November 5, Ottawa, Canada.
Witness to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Study on the “Breach of Personal Information Involving Cambridge Analytica and Facebook”. October 2, Ottawa, Canada.
Witness to the UK Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Parliamentary Committee on Fake News. December 19, London, United Kingdom.
Select University Lectures & Workshops
Foreign Election and Cyber Interference Workshop (University of Calgary). 27-29 August, Banff, CA.
The Weaponization of Disinformation in Canada (University of Waterloo). 28 April, Waterloo, Canada.
Social Media Manipulation: Algorithms, Bots and Computational Propaganda. Exploring Media Ecosystems. (MIT). 3 March, Boston, USA.
Global Trends in Information Operations. Stanford AI/Tech Bootcamp. Palo Alto USA.
Social Media Manipulation: An Introduction. Invited Lecture at the Harvard Kennedy School: IGA-237M: Future Issues in Cybersecurity Policy. 4 November.
The Digital Methods of Disinformation: Algorithms, Bots and Computational Propaganda. Strategic Dimensions of Disinformation. Centre for Military Studies, Copenhagen University. 17 September, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Global Organization of Social Media Manipulation. Form on Technology & Manipulation, Yeoh Tiong Lay (YTL) Centre for Politics, Philosophy, and Law. Kings College London. 2 July 2019.
Social Media Manipulation: Algorithms, Bots and Computational Propaganda. Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners. Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European University Institute, 25 June, Florence Italy.
Death by 1000 Likes: Is Social Media Killing Democracy? Technology and New Media Research Cluster, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge. November 26, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Technology and the next frontier in Human Rights. Hertie School of Governance. April 16, Berlin, Germany.
Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners. Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.